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AC Fan and Grille

Tips and Tricks for Homeowners and Property Managers 

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Comfort Matters Heating and Air is a small business in Destin, FL that services Miramar Beach, Destin, Niceville, Crestview, Fort Walton Beach, Navarre and Gulf Breeze. We started this business from the idea that a lot of air conditioning and heating companies are becoming more about the top dollar than the quality of services they provide. So here are some tips to reduce your energy bills and decrease the number of air conditioning service calls for your home.  

Tip 1: Make sure you have clean air filters for your HVAC system.  Dirty air filters can cause a few small immediate issues and serious issues for the future. If you find that your filters are dirty, replace them and reset the breaker for you indoor air handler/gas furnace.   

Tip 2: If your thermostat goes blank, it is likely a clogged drain line.  Most systems these days have a safety float switch installed in the drain line within a foot or two from the indoor air handling unit.  This item is meant to prevent water issues caused by the clogged drain.  The drain pipe usually ends outside near your outdoor unit.  If you can find this pipe and have a wet/dry vacuum, use the vacuum to suction out the drain line for 5 minutes.  If the thermostat doesn't power back on in a few minutes, we will be more than happy to come find a solution to this problem.  

Tip 3: Before calling us for an issue with your heater, check to see if you have a natural gas furnace.  If you have a natural gas furnace, test other appliances in your home that use natural gas and make sure they function properly.  We run at least 4 calls every year at the start of the winter season just to tell our customers their gas has been shut off.  This step will help you prevent an expensive heater service call!

There will be more tips and tricks to come!

Tip 4: In the picture at the top of this page, you will notice a fan grille that is starting to rust.  This grille is what the fan motor mounts too.  In this climate, as the fan grilles continue to rust, they can become weak and start to crack and break.  At that point, there is a risk that the fan motor will eventually fall from the grille into the condenser causing damage to the coil or the piping.  This will result in a leak or other costly repair.  A rusting cage does not mean you need to replace the unit.  Replacing the caging and fan grille can reduce the risk of needed repair and prolong the life of the system.  


We are always looking for new and exciting ideas for specials. We would love to hear your opinions!


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